Tuesday, February 18, 2014

:: Veil Making...

I recently had this crazy idea that I could earn a little side-cash for our family (you know, so someday we can afford to not live on sub-floors, or maybe take the children to Disneyland), while working/sewing from home.
A woman who designs veils for bridal boutique shops, as well as larger stores like Nordstroms, was in need of another seamstress.  So I met with her on Wednesday afternoon, she gave me a brief lesson on veil-making, and sent me home to make 4 of a particular type of veil.
What a difference tulle and lace are from quilters cotton!  It was a bit of a learning curve, but I was surprised at how much I enjoyed learning something new.  However, with Josh being gone both evenings before I had to turn them in, I realized that there was no way that we could both have deadlines, and I could still mother my 5 children that way we would like for me to.  What was I thinking?!  =)
The night before I had to turn them in, I was up till about midnight sewing.  Friday afternoon I handed over the 4 veils, and graciously declined this unique job opportunity.  When I left her house, it was with a light heart.  Maybe someday this will be a good fit for me.  But for now, I'm happy to mother my children, and just sew quilts and things for my family and friends, with no big deadlines.  And you know, I do have 3 daughters that may need veils someday.  =)


  1. You try it and you know that you can do it, just, it is just not the right moment.

    Hugs from Spain

  2. Perhaps a different opportunity will present itself. You are wise in recognizing the difficulties you might have with the situation.

  3. Balance is so tricky, isn't it? I often think about sewing for others. (for pay, not gifts ;-) I even started a blog a few years ago, in addition to my family blog, for the sole purpose of building up a 'fan' base, so when I started my etsy shop, I'd have potential clients already :-) I didn't keep that blog up, because I realized pretty quickly that it will be quite a few years until I will have that kind of time...
    ~ Tracy
