Sunday, February 16, 2014

:: A Redemption Story - the details

Last Saturday morning I wrote a post, telling about a scam that I fell victim to. But today I get to share the 2nd half of that story: An amazing story of Redemption.    

Little did I know last Saturday morning when I woke up, what would transpire in those next 48 hours.
In response to that Scam Story blog post, over the course of that weekend, astounding amounts of people came to my rescue!  Literally.  Friends of mine on IG posted (and re-posted) my story, and by 10:30 that Saturday morning I was being flooded with emails, heartfelt responses, and an outpouring of financial giving from you - family, friends, and this amazing quilting community (and even their family members).  Each person giving out of the kindness of their hearts to help out a girl many hadn't even met before.  It was unbelievable and I was blown away!
By Sunday evening, an astonishing $2400 had been raised, and I told my husband, "I don't know how to make it stop!"  
The love and generosity you all poured out truly touched my heart and humbled me to my core.  And what an amazing redemption story you all gave to me!  Who would have ever known when I first found out I had lost all my "Bernina money", that something even better would come of it?!
I truly believe that God turned this into a testimony of how He is so powerful to act on our behalf.  And the most exciting part? He used all of YOU to do it!  What a thrilling thing.  I tend to mentally limit God's ability to act to the few scenerios I can come up with in my mind.  But how wrong that is!  This situation was far and above anything I could have dreamed or imagined.
So the next morning (Monday) I set up an appointment to meet with a lady who was selling her Bernina 440 locally on Tuesday evening.  I was so excited!!
However - God had even bigger plans. 
Monday night I received an email from a lady who had given a donation that weekend, even though we were complete strangers.  In her email she informed me that she wanted me to buy a NEW sewing machine, and that she was going to pay the difference.  (from what I had raised, to cover the price of new).  And she didn't take no for an answer.  Crazy, right?!!  Who does stuff like this?  Only Dana.

At this point I felt like a cup being held under a faucet of blessing. I was filled to the brim, yet the blessing kept coming and now it was just running over the sides. (And I prayed and told God, "ok Lord, you can turn it off now!!")

Long story short, by the next morning she had called her local Bernina stores, checked online, priced things, had me call my Bernina store, and wanted it all arranged by the end of the day!
Late that night my husband walked through my bedroom door carrying a brand new Bernina 550QE from Thread Play, my local Bernina store here in Denver!!!
What a story of redemption, love, and a community pulling together for their own, isn't it?!
I don't know how to even begin to express my heartfelt thanks to each one of you who gave.  There were approximately 50 donations, multiple re-postings of my story, emails from you who had found possible machine options for me, and so much compassion shown.  You gave what you could, and I have to say, those $10 and $15 donations spoke volumes to me.  I know what it's like to give all your eating-out money for the week.  And I don't receive it lightly.  Thank you for sacrificing for the good of someone else. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Every time I look at this machine, I am reminded of you - this community and family that I'm honored to call my own.
I'd love to give a special thanks to Kira (@quiltedkira) for taking it upon herself to set up a GoFundMe account, and who first got the word out there.
And especially to Dana (@danaquilts), who saw a girl with a story, and blessed me far beyond what I had dreamed of.  
Dana with her cutie-pie grandkids
Thank you also to Erin (@twomoreseconds) for taking the first plunge to re-post my story to her (2000+) followers!  And to all you amazing friends who re-posted and gave throughout that weekend! (I don't want to mention names - I'm afraid I'll miss someone - but you know who you are!)

And to Vanessa (@lellaboutique) for donating all the proceeds of her sales from her adorable shop!
And here's a quick tour of my sewing room (in our bedroom), for those of you who might like to see it...
So all this to say:  thank you so very much to each one of you who showed me such an outpouring of kindness, compassion and undeserved generosity.  I am forever grateful.
(if you missed the first post about the scam, you can read about it here)


  1. Outstanding! I'm so glad you have your new baby! You will love her. Congratulations.

  2. All I can say is yay! Yay! Yay! So happy for you!

  3. I'm so happy for you. :) :) :) There are so many awful stories out there, it does the heart good to hear a good one. God bless you and your family!!

  4. ...Better than any movie ending ;) I love it. Congratulations!! Couldn't be happier for you =)

  5. Such an awesome story!! So happy for you!

  6. God is truly amazing, isn't He? Truly above and beyond all we can ask or imagine. So happy for you!!

  7. What a happy ending :) enjoy that new machine!

  8. I'm so happy for you Julia! What an incredible blessing!

  9. Glad to hear this Julia!! Praise the Lord for all he's done for you through these beautiful people - the quilting world certainly is one of love and acceptance. Enjoy your new machine :)

  10. You are such a lucky person to have people like those around you! Your story made me cry in a good way. Enjoy your new sewing machine and hope you'll stay away from future money order purchases! :)

  11. Your story needs to be shared with everyone, especially anyone that is struggling with their faith. When one or more people come together in God's name he is there. God used your story to bring glory to the goodness he is. I can't wait to see what you sew first! Lisa aka RxQuilter

  12. What an amazing story! I am in awe over the blessing god has showered down upon you. He knows our hearts and moves the hearts of others. My heart had sunk when i just read your post about the scam. I was hurt and angry for you, now I am celebrating with you in spirit! What a wonderful experience.

  13. People are wondering why I'm sitting at my desk with tears in my eyes. I saw this on Bernina's FB this morning - so much of what I see on FB brings me down, how wonderful to have stories like this to lift us up. All the best to you and your beautiful family. This is so well deserved. (PS, I'm over the moon with my 550. I saved up for it 40 years. :-))

    1. thanks for writing! And yes - I agree. It's so wonderful for our hearts to hear the good, and not just the bad!

  14. Congratulations to you on your new Bernina and the renewal of the human spirit. What a great experience!

  15. Julia, the Lord does work magic in the most mysterious ways! Your story reminds me of a powerful sermon I heard years ago on the Loaves & Fishes text. The pastor was talking about the kind of miracles we look for in life and how so often, God's miracles are worked by ordinary people like you and me, that out of all those people who were following Jesus to hear him teach, many of them must have brought provisions with for themselves and their families, and that at least part of the miracle of so little food feeding so many people with leftovers must have been due to some who put more food into the basket as it passed instead of taking any.

    You have been blessed by the hand of God working through strangers, but I hope you also realize what a blessing you have been to so many others by bravely posting your story. You will never know how many people you have saved from going through a similar ordeal, or how many people who were victims of similar crimes have found comfort in reading your story and realizing that it was not their fault, they were not stupid, and they were not alone. Even more powerful is your message of faith and trust in God's plan for you at a time when it would have been easy to turn away.

    Enjoy your new machine and happy quilting! :-)

    1. Rebecca, thank you for taking the time to share that! I love the thought your pastor shared, with the loaves and fishes. Never before have I heard that idea. and I do hope many will be spared, and can learn from my story. God is so faithful. and even though He doesn't always do things like this - it's thrilling to see when He does! Thanks for sharing!

  16. This story was wayyyyyyyyy awesome. God is truly an amazing worker. I loved this story and I'm so glad to have started my Friday off like this. Encouraging!!!! Best wishes on your new fabulous machine :)

  17. i am never surprised by the kindness of people generally....we all have it in us and i am so happy for your good fortune. how beautiful. we do not hear enough of this type of thing in the media or on social networks and i strongly believe that we are all poisoned with bad news everyday by TV newspapers etc and therefore we have forgotton the love that connects us all as human beings. thank you for my reminder today, thank you, enjoy every moment of your new machine xxxxx
