Friday, March 14, 2014

:: Simple Girl Pattern - now available!

It's here!!  It's ready!! My "Simple Girl" pattern is finally done and available for download!!  (can I just say it: I'm excited!!)

I've made 3 of these covers in the past 2 weeks, and it is such a fun, rewarding project - and one that doesn't take much time.  For some of you, it could be whipped out in a day.  For me - where I squeeze in a few sewing moments here and there with my 5 little ones - more like a weekend or two very late evenings. =)
Like you, I have always wanted (and needed!) a cover for my sewing machine.  Not only to protect it from dust settling in it's nooks and crannies, but also from curious little fingers. =)  Recently I was able to look at a cover that my Grandmother made at least 30 years ago.  Hers was a picture of functionality (vs our generation's need to look-good-while-being-useful-at-the-same-time).  It was made with pre-quilted fabric and pre-made bias binding, but it served her for 30 years for the very same 2 purposes I was needing now. 

That faded yellow cover was exactly the spring-board I needed to design this Simple Girl pattern.  That, and the fact that I have a brand new Bernina 550QE that I really wanted to keep safe! (If you haven't read the amazing story of how I got my new sewing machine, you can read it here.)
For a downloadable PDF pattern of Simple Girl, visit, or click here!!!
A few things:
1 -This pattern also has instructions on how to adjust the sizing to fit your machine!
2 - As seen in the pictures below, you can customize it to your hearts content.
3 - for instructions on how to make Continuous Bias Binding out of 1 Fat Quarter, click here.
4 - for instructions on quick and easy binding for your cover (or for a quilt too), click here.
Thank you to the sweet ladies who tested out my pattern when it was in the rough stages, and offered such helpful comments.  Their suggestions made this pattern what it is today.  Thanks ladies!  Here's a few of their covers...
Can you believe how creative they were?!  I can't wait to see YOUR Simple Girl cover!  Be sure to email me, or tag me (@julia_davis7) and tag your cover #simplegirlcover on your Instagram pictures!


  1. Oh yay! Thank you so much. I have a factory cover for my machine. But I can't use it with my extension table. So I haven't been able to use my table because my 2-year old can't keep his hands off my machine. :) I know what I'm doing this weekend.

  2. Thank you so much!! I can't wait to make this cover!

  3. Julia - Thank you so much! What an awesome pattern and such a fabulous way to give back! You are truly a special person. The Lord has blessed you, and His blessings are overflowing to the people in your life. Wow!

  4. Thank you Julia! I was needing to make a cover for my new machine :) Perfect timing!

  5. Thanks so much! Making a cover for my machine has been on my list for quite awhile now!

  6. Great work! And thank you so much for letting me test it, I had a great time sewing it and I loved the result. Congrats!

  7. Thankyou for your generous gift Julia!!
