Monday, July 1, 2013

:: Summertime

I know this blog of mine has been quiet.  Things here have been so busy it seems I never have time to tell you about it. Between painting (lots and lots of painting), trips to the pool, company, and get-togethers, we are staying happily busy.
Last fall our oldest son turned 8, and was finally old enough to officially join 4-H.  He has 2 older cousins who have done Shooting Sports the last few years, so of course that's what he wanted to try. Even though Jack is the youngest shooter on the team, he absolutely loves it, and is doing really well.  County Shoot is in a few weeks, so everyone's gearing up for that.
(Daniel & Luke - Jack's cousins)
Every Thursday at 5pm, you'll find our family at the local shooting range, watching the boys
shoot, climbing trees, digging in the sand hill, eating a pot-luck dinner with the shotgun team and cousins, and generally getting covered in dirt and dust.  Thankfully the kids have a good time - then I give them baths when we get home. 
Alaina and Ellie
My folks came too
 Yep, it's a good time.

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