Tuesday, April 23, 2013

:: Farmer's Wife set 5

I decided to make my Farmer's Wife quilt a twin-size, which means now I ONLY have to make 83 blocks instead of the 100+.  =)   I can't decide if we will use it for snuggling under while sitting on the couch.  We do that alot, on those cold winter mornings when the wood-stove hasn't had time to spread it's warmth.  Or, if I will let it be one of the three quilts I am making for my girls' beds.  Guess I'll finish it and decide then.  But for now, here's the next 10 blocks.  =)

Block 43: Garden Path
Block 24: Country Path
Block 23: Country Farm
Block 33: Farmer's Puzzle
Block 60: Noon & Light
Block 107: Windblown Square
Block 82: Spider Legs
Block 53: Jackknife
Block 77: Seasons
Block 41: Friendship Star
I do have to say, the more of these blocks I make, the more I am enjoying the color-choosing process.  It was very intimidating to me at first, as silly as that sounds.  And I'm still no pro, but as with anything, the more you do it, the more comfortable you get.  How about you?  What intimidates you in the quilt-making process?

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