Monday, March 18, 2013

:: Weekending in the mud

Our weekend went a little bit like this:
We began work on building our chicken coop.  It was the first weekend that Josh wasn't working, or it wasn't blizarding.  However, mud was our constant friend.  Mud covering everything.  Mud squishy.  Mud dried.  Mud tracked into the house.  Teaching children to take off muddy boots BEFORE entering.  =)  Thankfully this past week I decided to embrace the fact that we live in mud, and finally broke down and bought rubber boots for every member of our family at our local feed store.  Makes sense, huh?  To be able to hose the mud off the rubber boots, rather than off every other pair of shoes in the house?  Don't know why it took me 3 painful years to realize this.



The first day this was the only dry spot to set him down
An indoor reprieve from the mud

On Sunday afternoon my Dad made a surprise visit, with his work boots on.  He helped Josh put up the roof beams (I think they're called trusses?), so I didn't have to be the one up on the ladder.  (thank you, Dad).

 Overall, we are excited about the progress.  Encouraged by the hard work and time together as a family.  And grateful the mud is slowly drying up.  Until the next snowstorm, that is.

1 comment:

  1. Carla,
    thanks for being so kind! I have alot to learn about blogging, but love having you here. I started following you on Instagram and your blog too. Amazing - you have 6 boys!! Way to go.
