Monday, January 21, 2013

:: Travel hand sewing kit (Handmade - part 2)

The other morning as I was sitting down to start my quite time and coffee, I looked over at my beloved stack of reading stuff, and was compelled to snap a picture.  I'm noticing a trend in my life...  It's sad.  Even all the kids, when asked what Mom's favorite color is, don't hesitate but quickly say, "Red and Aqua" (like it's one color together).  On the bright side, at least Josh doesn't have to guess what color I'd pick.
But back to the matter at hand.  Continuing on with our series of  recent sewing projects...

My newest love this week is making hexigons, using the paper piecing method.  In order to learn how to do them, I looked up a few tutorials online.  Now every night after the kids go to bed, I've been sewing hexi's. I've fallen hard. 
Last week on Instagram I saw a picture of this travel sewing kit, and was thrilled when I found Amy's great tutorial on her blog!
That girl, she thought of everything... little pockets for paper templates, finished hexi's, fabric, scissors, needles, and even a place to keep your spool of thread from rolling away.  Some people are so tallented.  I love to copy them.

The whole time I was making mine, I kept thinking how much fun it would be if I had a friend I could make one for.  Someone who would love it (and use it) as much as me.  These adorable things are just begging to be shared. =)


  1. So cute, I've never seen a kit like that! What project are you going to make your hexagons into?

    1. Not sure yet! But probably a pillow like this one.

  2. Julia, I am absolutely delighted to have found your blog. =) Like finding an old friend! It looks like God has richly blessed you! Quilting is something I have always wanted to take up again, and five or six years ago I even went out and bought all the materials, threads, needles, pins, etc. I even found a pattern online and bought a sewing machine! But, then life happened...and I went back to work and became a single Mom. Raising two kids on my own, working, and fixing up my house hasn't left much time for pretty much anything extra. But, I'm hoping that maybe soon I can get back into it, and I'm excited to have a place to go to for ideas and instruction! =) I love you, dear friend. Hope you are well!

  3. How are your hexies coming along?


  4. How did I miss this????? ADORABLE!!! I'm so glad you liked the tutorial and I adore your sewing kit! xoxoxo
