Monday, January 28, 2013

:: Blessings (Handmade - part 4)

I have a very dear friend from my childhood.  I think I met her when I was about 5 or 6.  We grew up together, went to church together, and lived within walking distance of each other's families.  Now she and I no longer live in the same state, and even though we are thousands of miles apart, we find we have very similar tastes.  A few months ago when she was here visiting, as she looked around my house for the very first time, she told me she just painted her kitchen "almost the same color as yours!"  I think she is the only friend of mine who just might like red and aqua as much as I do.

These potholders were my first attempt at a more modern strip-piecing technique.  It was super easy, and a fun way to use scraps.  Just lay 'em down, sew 'em together, and then trim 'em all to the size square you want.  Fun, easy, and a more updated look than a traditional patchwork block.

The backs are even scrappy.
I'm excited to for her to have a bit of a Colorado friend in her Maryland kitchen.

As I was making them for her, it made me realize why I like sewing for other people.  Because while I am creating something, I am thinking about the person I am making it for.  Thinking about what I like about them, funny memories, and sincere conversations.  And in that process - in those quiet moments of me sitting at my sewing machine - my heart is blessed.
I love you, dear friend. Thank you for blessing me.


  1. These are great! I have some of these scraps, now I know how I will use them. red and aqua are one of my favorites! Been looking around your blog, your quilts are so pretty, love it all!

    1. Hi Christine - thank you for all your sweet comments! They made my day. =)
