Monday, December 3, 2012

:: Christmas Traditions

It just feels like Christmas is in the air!
We got our decorations up, including the new sign I made for our front porch.
We have a yearly pre-Christmas tradition. 
Each member of our family picks out an ornament to buy.  Either something they love, something from the year, or just one they found that day that suits their fancy.  Then once the kids are grown, they will each have a collection of ornaments to take with them for their own tree.  We have done this since our very first Christmas, and the kids L.O.V.E. it.
I remember as newlyweds, Josh and I had a hard time decorating our first tree - I even wired pinecones to the branches to fill them up!
As the family has gotten bigger, our tastes have become less expensive.  =)  St. Nicks is no longer in the budget.  So this year we headed off to Target.  (do your kids love climbing through "the hole" as much as mine do?)
I really do try to let them pick out whatever they want, and not sway their opinion.  However, I did have one stipulation this year:  it had to be non-breakable.  (that in itself is a memory of where our family is at this year).  Amazingly, Target had tons of felt ornaments, they are adorable, and were only $3 each!
 Ellie and Audrey both picked Owls, before I could snatch one up for myself.  =)  Good choice, girls.

Mine was the snowman.  Every year I seem to end up with a snowman... or a red glittery ball.  =)

As soon as Hannah found this reindeer it never left her clutches.  We didn't even have to ask which one she wanted.  I love that she picked it, because it'll be one of those incredibly sentimental (and incredibly ugly) ornaments someday, when all the yarn is saging and hanging off.  =)  But she will love it.

In typical Josh/Jack fashion, they picked the same ornament.  Just different colors. 

So that's one of our traditions.  What's a favorite family tradition of yours?

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