Wednesday, December 19, 2012

:: Celebrating 40 Years

My folks celebrated a very special night last night, and we considered it an honor to be witnesses to 40 years of marriage.  (Have you ever tried to find cards that say "40th Wedding Anniversary"?  Let's just say there aren't many to pick from!)

Alaina's store-front sign
Growing up, us kids would sometimes "put on a restaurant" for my grandparents or my folks, so this was the perfect opportunity to demonstrate this example to our children.  So we put on a restaurant for them - the Davis Family Olive Garden.  The kids and neice Alaina (decked out in black/white and aprons) made menus and were the waiters/waitresses.   By candlelight, we served salad, breadsticks and Chicken Parmesan.  After dinner, more of the extended family joined us for homemade apple pie and ice cream.
We do not take lightly this heritage we have been given.  God willing, in another 31 years, maybe Josh and I will be able to do the same for our children. =)

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