Monday, November 19, 2012

:: Happy Girl

I just finished this one up, much to the delight of my Girl #2. Before I could sew on the buttons, I had to google "how-to-sew-buttons-on-knit-sweaters".   I love Google... and YouTube. Through them, I have learned so much from other women, from how-to make homemade yogurt, to how-to K1FB (knit 1 front and back). But, now I'm on a tangent..  Back to the knitting.
In Threes Cardigan (my Ravelry page)

The moment Audrey woke up she wanted it on.  Sorry for the poor lighting... it was still dark.

I'd think it's safe to say I have one happy girl.  Her mama's happy, too.  One down, 2 more to go.

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