Wednesday, November 14, 2012

:: 7 Months

It's hard to believe my Little Mista is already 7 months.  Complete with 4 teeth now!
He's so easy-going and tolerant of all the "love" he receives on an hourly basis.
His all-time favorite activity is the Jonny-Jump-Up.  He will literally bounce for a solid hour if all the family is around and he's in the middle of it.  He also loves to sit with a pile of toys, chewing and exploring with his mouth...

He re-discovered a love for his thumb after I stopped getting up in the middle of the night to put his pacifier back in (how is it that I don't notice it creep in?).  Now we are all much happier.
He smiles and laughs constantly, he's had 4 haircuts so far, and I'm enjoying these last fleeting moments of his inability to move.  =)  We love you boy.  Even more than last month.

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